Addressed Pieces
If the piece is personalized with the mailing address,
it is important to check to see that it is set up so that the address
will show through the window. If the piece is folded, be sure to fold
a sample of the exact size showing address location to check for proper
placement. The address location should be checked as soon as possible
when the artwork is being prepared. Adjustments may have to be made
in the location of the address, the window size or window location
may have to be changed on the envelope.
Envelopes come in standard sizes and styles. If
you need a special size envelope, a non-standard window size or placement
of the window in a non-standard location, your envelope will have
to be special ordered. Having to special order the envelopes would
result in a longer delivery time of the envelopes. This may delay
production of your project. Also, special order envelopes are generally
more expensive than standard stock envelopes. Production may be able
help suggest design changes that would allow you to use a standard
envelope. This would help improve the delivery of your project and
save on the cost. For more information on some of the standard types
and sizes that are available, see Envelopes
- Types and Envelopes
- Size.
Production can tell you if the size of envelope
you have selected will be compatible with the inserting equipment.
If it does not fit within the inserter's size limitations, your project
may have to be hand inserted. This will affect the cost of your project
substantially. If your direct mail package includes a reply envelope,
be sure it will fit comfortably inside of the delivery envelope.
If you are using an envelope that is anything other
than white with black printing, verify with production that there
will not be any problems with the envelope being machine readable.
Readability should be verified on both the delivery and reply envelope.
Dated Material
Be careful when using effective dates or expiration
dates on your mailing pieces. Problems can occur when there are delays
in printing production or product availability. It may be better to
leave any of the date information to be added as part of the laser
imprinting. If a date must be printed on any of the pieces, production
can help to foresee if there will be anything that could cause a problem
with that date.
Project Dummies
It will assist production in evaluating your project
if you make up blank samples of each piece in your mailing package.
Be sure each piece is folded and inserted as it will be in the finished
package. Production can then determine if all the pieces will work
properly in all the processing equipment.
