Paper is available from a variety of paper suppliers,
however, not all suppliers provide paper to the end user. The following
diagram illustrates how the distribution channel works for purchasing
paper stocks.

The Paper Mill sells larger volume orders
direct to the Paper Retailer, Distributor, or Printer who then resell
the product. The Paper Distributor handles full and partial carton
orders, which are considered smaller orders, to fit the needs of the
Paper Retailer or Printer when the End User places an order for paper
that is not considered to be at a volume level that a Paper Mill will
sell directly to the Printer or Retailer.
The newest entry to the paper distribution
channel is the Paper Portal which enables Printers, Retailers, and
Paper Mills to source paper needs to a wider network of potential
buyers and sellers via the Web, regardless of whether they are Paper
Retailers, Paper Distributors, Printers, or End Users. Buyers and
sellers of paper access the portal and use it as a marketplace to
locate paper, to negotiate pricing, and to complete the transaction
of either buying or selling.
Listings have been provided to help direct you to
primary paper distributors and mills that carry the type of paper
you are looking for. Each list is headed by a paper type and listed
below it are the distributors and mills that sell or manufacture that
particular type. The listings are intended to provide you with paper
sources with a national market. There are many more sources that may
have a local or regional market that are too numerous to list here.
To view the listing of paper suppliers, see Industry Library - Materials and Supplies.