Consecutive Numbering |
MICR Numbering | Bar Code Numbering
| MOD Numbering | Security Features
- Consecutive numbering changes sequentially from one form to the next.
- It can be used as a control feature to provide a distinct identity to each
- The standard numbering color is red, but other colors are available. Consult
your supplier for their color list.
- Several digit sizes are available for consecutive numbering and some manufacturers
of continuous forms may offer more than one size.
- Alphabetic characters can also be used in the number.
- Continuous forms can be numbered with crash numbering or press numbering:
Crash Numbering: Forms are numbered after they have been collated
together. The numbering machine makes an impression of the number
on the form. The number is red on part one and is an image transfer
on the other parts made from the impression of the numbering machine.
The numbering usually takes place at the end of the collating machine
after the individual parts of the form have been attached.
Press Numbering: Forms are numbered at the press as they are
being printed. The number is red on each part because each part is
being numbered separately before they are collated together. All parts
do not have to be numbered when doing numbering at the press. Also,
the number location can change from part to part if necessary. Press
numbering is more expensive than crash numbering due to the additional
setup and running time at the press when the forms are being printed.
As shown in the illustration below, a consecutive number can be printed
in almost any location on a continuous form. The number can be printed parallel
or perpendicular to the rest of the copy on the form and multiple numbers
can also be printed on a form. It is best to check with your print supplier
for their capabilities as this may differ between suppliers.
- MICR (Magnetic Image Character Recognition)
is a special encoded number used on continuous checks and other secure documents
that can be read by MICR scanning equipment.
- It is printed using a MICR character font as shown above.
- A special magnetic ink is used to print the characters, making the MICR
encoding recognizable by the scanner.
- Banks use MICR encoding to scan account information from checks as they
go through the bank's system.
- MICR encoding is made up of a static number or a static and consecutive
number. The static number is used for account, routing, and amount numbers,
and the consecutive MICR number is used for check numbers.
To see a sample document with consecutive
numbering and MICR encoding, click the following link:
Numbering Sample
- Bar code numbering is used on many types of applications to code and decode
information automatically.
- It consists of bars and spaces of various sizes as shown in the sample above.
- The bar codes can be static (the same number on each form) or consecutive
(sequential from form to form).
- A number of different types of bar codes have been developed to meet the
special needs of different industries. The different bar code types are known
as symbologies.
- The scanned information is received without the input errors that can occur
with the use of traditional methods of entering data. Bar coding is a much
more reliable, faster, and efficient method of gathering information.
For more information on bar coding, click on
the link: Bar Coding
MOD (Modulus) or check digit numbering involves selecting a
numbering method (MICR, Gothic, OCR, or Bar Code) to be used on documents for
which an additional digit will be printed to the right of a base sequential
number enabling the document owner to verify and control some aspect of the
document, it's contents, or the intended end-user of the document. Click the
link, MOD Numbering,
to learn more.
Security Features
A number of features can be incorporated with
numbering to provide security to continuous forms. Two of the most popular are
Rainbow numbering and Bleed-through numbering.
- Rainbow numbering:
A special technique that gives the number a rainbow appearance.
- Bleed-through numbering:
A technique in which the numbering ink contains a pink dye that bleeds through
the back of the document, 48 hours after production.
Both the rainbow and bleed-through numbering features
are most commonly used on checks and other negotiable forms. Click on the links
above to see samples. Consult your supplier for availability of these features.
Security Features
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