Prepress activities include a wide variety of procedures within the
print production process. Prepress procedures begin with the design
of a project and conclude with platemaking. Over the years, each of
prepress steps have undergone many changes in the way that they are
Before desktop publishing, ideas were sketched on paper, thumbnails
were created, and copy was handwritten. The typesetters would set
the copy and output
galleys of type for the proofreaders to check. After the
corrections were made, copy was output with phototypesetters on resin
coated (RC) paper. The columns of type were trimmed out, and using
an adhesive, either wax, spray mount, or rubber cement, the strips
were keylined
onto layout boards (mechanicals) by page layout artists (or keyliners).
Photo placement was either drawn in with a Rapidograph pen or Rubylith
was placed in the position of the photo. Artwork, such as logos, were
shot on a
camera to create a stat that could be placed on the keyline.
Color breaks were made using markers on tissue overlays. The keylines
and photos were then shot on a process
camera with film, using colored filters and contact halftone
screens. The film was then sent to the stripping department, where
it was stripped onto a flat, sometimes using imposition.
The flat was then used to produce a plate
that was placed on a press for printing the job. All of the prepress
steps were time consuming and involved several people to complete
the work.
Times have changed. Today, a print project is usually designed on
a computer and typeset in a page
layout program. Color or black and white images are created
on a computer using various software programs unless a scanner
is used to convert a photograph or artwork into a digital image, which
can then be stored on a computer. The images stored on a computer
are known as digital bitmap images, and can be color corrected or
manipulated in any way. When an image is first being corrected or
modified, it is viewed on a calibrated
Viewing an image on a monitor is the first process of proofing and
is called soft
proofing, or monitor proofing. When the designer is pleased
with the image, it is output to film and a scatter
proof is made. The scatter proof is then checked for correct color
densities in a viewing
booth. The layout file (called a LW file meaning linework)
and the photos (CT's or Continuous Tones) are merged in the assembling
process. From there, the file is sent to a RIP (Raster Image Processor)
which translates the digital information into four halftone color
separations (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). The information is
sent to either a digital
proofer or to an imagesetter for film to be output in order to create
an analog
proof. After the proof has been approved, the film can then be stripped
into flats that are used to generate the plates. In a direct-to-plate
workflow, film is eliminated and the digital file is sent from the
RIP directly to a platesetter.
And, if a digital
press is to be used for printing the job, the file can be
sent directly to the press, eliminating the need for a plate.