Delivery Systems Printing Knowledge
Delivery Systems

Listed below are several systems that are used to deliver digital files to their destinations.

Telephony: The telephone system is an example of an existing communications system which is used to deliver digital information from one point to another. Modems are used to enable the analog telephone system to carry the digital files.

LAN/WAN Networks: Several computers can be linked into networks which allow digital files to move to any location within the network.

(LAN) Local Area Network: A LAN is the connecting of multiple computers to a private network which is located in a specific area such as within a single facility.

(WAN) Wide Area Network: WAN is the connecting of two separate LANs (Local Area Networks) or the connecting of multiple computers in multiple locations.

Internet: Files can be transferred via the Internet, either through FTP (File Transfer Protocol), e-mail attachments, or through a direct connection. Check with your supplier to see what they can accept.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol): A tool that is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to transfer graphic files. A password is required to access files when using FTP, so it is a secure method of transferring data. There is also no limit on the size of the file that can be transferred.

One problem that may occur is that the recipient may grab the file too soon before the transmission is complete, so it is best to notify them verbally that the file will be coming. Make sure the file is compressed and don't send more than one file at a time. This will ensure that every file is transferred as efficiently as possible.

E-mail: Useful for small files, but it isn't as secure as FTP. File transfers should be limited to 1 Mb or less which puts restrictions on the types files that can be sent by E-mail. If the recipient does not have the same application that was used to create the file, they may not be able to open the file. Most computers will be able to open word processing files that have been saved as plain text or in Rich Text Format.

Direct Connection: A direct connection to the Internet can speed up the file transfer process. For example, you can operate one or more host computers as a local area network (LAN) wired directly into the Internet. A small business can acquire status as a network and register a user name. Once registered, a network number is provided to allow the host computer to operate multiple computers as a local network with each having direct Internet access.



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