Desensitizing ink is used on carbonless paper forms in areas
where no image transfer is desired. For example, the user may need a form where
some of the information that they enter on the form appears on the first part
but does not transfer through to the second part. The image will not transfer
when the form goes through an impact printer. The ink is applied to the front
side of CF (Coated Front) and/or CFB (Coated
Front and Back) papers. The ink causes the CF coating to be deactivated
or desensitized on CF and CFB papers. When the CF coating is desensitized, it
does not allow for an image transfer to take place between CB (Coated
Back) and CFB and/or CF papers. The ink is transparent and once it has
dried, it is barely detectable on the sheet.
Details to remember when ordering a form
with desensitizing ink:

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