Before transferring files between two sites, the
files may need to be preprocessed to eliminate problems. Prior to preparation,
the following points may assist to transfer files efficiently.
- If several files are to be transferred, they may need to be placed into
one file.
- Files may need to be compressed to improve the transfer speed. Small text
files are appropriate to send as is, but image files may contain a large amount
of data that takes much longer to transfer without compression.
- If you plan to send a file as an attachment to an e-mail, keep in mind that
the receiver of the e-mail may have limitations on the total size of the attachments
that they can accept.
- Make sure the recipient of a file via an e-mail attachment has the same
software program that was used to create the file. The same software program
is needed to ensure that the recipient will be able to open the file correctly.
Text files can be saved in a common format such as plain text or Rich Text
Format which can be interpreted by most computers.
- The spread of computer viruses can be a problem when files are transferred
from site to site. Files should be scanned for viruses before they are transferred.